Burlington Express Boxcar Conversion Shell $25.00
This Skytop Models conversion will change a Micro-Trains Troop Kitchen Car into a Burlington Express Boxcar for use in mail, baggage and express service. The modeler will need to paint and decal the conversion shell then add the underframe from a MT Troop Kitchen car. Nothing could be easier !
Burlington Express Boxcars
The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy acquired 300 troop kitchen cars which became surplus after the end of WW II. They were originally built by American Car and Foundry for the U.S. Army. When the Burlington bought them between June and November 1947, they were sent to their Havelock shops in Lincoln, Nebraska and modified for baggage, mail and express service. They were rushed into service and initially retained their windows, however the upper vent openings were plated over. Later the windows were also plated over and in 1954 the troublesome Allied Full-Cushion trucks were banned and replaced with American Steel Foundaries Ride Control freight trucks. Some cars were further modified for freight service in the 1960's by the addition of roof walks and end ladders. No matter what the modification, these cars were classified BE-1 by the CB&Q and numbered 8600-8899. However since they were purchased from the US Army they quickly acquired the nickname "Jeeps.".
Here is a completed Models Burlington Express Boxcar.

Weathered model ready for service on the next mail and express train.