Inside Door Express Box Car Conversion Shell $25.00

This Skytop Models conversion will change a Micro-Trains Troop Sleeper Car into a Inside door Express Box Car as used in mail, baggage and express service by New York Central. The modeler will need to paint and decal the conversion shell then add the underframe from a MT Troop sleeper. Nothing could be easier !
Appropriate decals are available from MicroScale #60-933
New York Central Express Boxcars
The New York Central may have been the largest owner of converted troop sleepers, aquiring cars in three separate lots. They eventually accumulated 400 cars on their roster in the 9200 to 9599 number series (not all numbers were used). All cars were initally equipped with outside boxcar doors but beginning in late 1960, 55 cars from the first lot (series 9300-9399) and all 76 remaining cars in the second lot (series 9400-9499) received inside sliding doors. All cars were originally equipped with the ill fated Allied Full-Cushion trucks which were eventually banned from interchange service. Soon after they all received ASF 70 ton Ride Control trucks