Welcome to Skytop Models
NEWS 3/26/21
As of today 3/26/21, I will no longer be accepting orders for resin castings. The website will remain for the time being as a reference to those who purchased products. Thanks to all for supporting Skytop Models through the years!
Unique N Scale Models

My custom castings are done in gray urethane plastic and are easy to drill, cut, sand and paint. They do however require some prep work before painting. This consists of cleaning up some flash with a sharp hobby knife and washing the shell to remove the mold release. I have found it best to wash the castings first in Mineral Spirits with a toothbrush, then with dish soap followed by a rinse in luke warm (NOT HOT) water. Please be advised that the urethane resin can become soft and warp if exposed to higher temperatures. Minor warpage can be dealt with by placing under hot water and gently reshaping the piece and then cooling under cold water. Never soak or clean in any type of alcohol as it will breakdown the resin. Castings are generally bubble free but sometimes bubbles do happen. They are easily filled with putty. However, I strive to make sure my castings are as defect free as possible and I will replace any casting if you are not totally satisfied.
Ordering is easy. Just click on the ordering tab at the top of this
page and a fill in form will become available. Populate the blanks with
your information and wait for my return email with instructions. I will
let you know when your order is ready and when to send
payment. I'm set up to accept Personal Checks, Money Orders or
PayPal. I ship via USPS Priority Mail to US mailing addresses and use First Class International for points outside the US.